Using MilliCare for Restorative Care
When a space has been empty for a while, neglect can really damage a carpet. The same damage can be seen when facilities are not cared for or maintained properly. In situations like these, neglected carpet may require restorative care to reverse the damage.
Restorative care requires a specific plan of action in order to be successful. If you know what soil is in the carpet, communicate that with your carpet care representative. If the facility is new to you or you do not know what has happened to the flooring, carpet care technicians will examine the carpet installation, construction, fiber and soil load to determine the best treatment. At MilliCare , a Restorative Care Plan follows the following course.
Step 1: Clean
The first step is to remove the soil that's in the carpet. The method used here will vary depending on the soil load size and type. The MilliCare dry-centered approach is especially beneficial in the cleaning phase, as it has been proven to remove more of the soil load than any other method, including hot water extraction.
Step 2: Target spots
Once an overall, deep clean has been established, more attention can be given to any spots or stains that were not removed with the dry-centered approach. MilliCare technicians are armed with a range of products specifically formulated for different conditions so you don't have to know what's in the carpet for any trouble spots to be thoroughly removed.
Step 3: Protect
The final step in the process is to protect the clean carpet fibers from further damage. MilliCare Fiber Protector solution uses anti-soiling and anti-staining agents to preserve your carpet for years to come. The anti-soiling agent repels dirt and spots and protects the fiber from abrasive soil. This protection makes vacuuming easier, reduces cleaning time, cuts maintenance and utility costs, and prolongs the life of your carpet. The anti-staining compound technology prevents stains from binding to carpet fibers and holding dye in. This solution keeps spills from adding permanent color to your carpet and also extends your carpet's life.
Damaged or neglected carpet doesn't always mean the end. MilliCare Restorative Care Plans can help return your facility to a "like new" appearance. Contact MilliCare to find out whether a Restorative Care Plan could be the answer to your carpet's needs.