MilliCare - A Facility Manager's Guide to MilliCare 's Enhanced Hygiene Services

A Facility Manager's Guide to MilliCare 's Enhanced Hygiene Services

A Facility Manager's Guide to MilliCare 's Enhanced Hygiene Services

Facilities managers are facing intensive scrutiny when it comes to the cleanliness of their spaces during COVID-19. Regular levels of clean just aren’t good enough anymore. Employees, residents, visitors, and vendors want to feel that spaces are not only spotless, but also disinfected. And that requires enhanced hygiene services buoyed by exceptional — yet safe — products.

When properly applied, disinfectants on the EPA List N will kill COVID-19 germs. Our team has chosen Sporicidin as our disinfectant of choice from this list based on its high performance and very low antimicrobial skin irritation and toxicity ratings. Additionally, the formula doesn’t cause yellowing, create buildup, mess with carpeting’s stain-resistance properties, or foster soft surface re-soiling.

Instead, it simply works fast to kill unwanted microbes on upholstery, plastics, wood, carpets, and so many other high-touchpoint areas.

The ideal solution for highly trafficked spaces

Although Sporicidin can be useful in just about any location, it’s particularly good for disinfecting highly trafficked spaces. These can include Class A buildings that tend to be well-located, be professionally managed, and command the highest rents. As such, tenants expect common areas to look and smell pristine.

Multitenant places like apartment and condominium complexes are also a perfect match for Sporicidin and MilliCare ’s enhanced hygiene services. After all, many high-rise dwellers are working from home — and may continue that practice for a long time. This puts more pressure on property managers to increase their regular and deep cleaning schedules due to common spaces being used more frequently, both day and night.

Facilities managers of senior living communities have prioritized disinfectant use for years but are increasing their Sporicidin usage during COVID-19. It’s critical for retirement homes and live-in hospitals to kill germs, bacteria, and fungi that may be harmful to their vulnerable populations.

Where else can Sporicidin-based enhanced hygiene services make sense? Consider locations that house large events and bring people in from anywhere, such as large wedding venues and even funeral homes. With so many guests coming into a facility and potentially not wearing masks or social distancing, the facility must be able to quickly clean and disinfect all surfaces from the floors and chairs to windows and upholstered wall dividers.

Planning for an enhanced hygiene services visit

Interested in taking your cleaning to the next level and including disinfection as part of your routine? To help you plan, here are a few facts to know about the process:

1. Spaces should be vacated for proper disinfection.

The only way to safely broadcast disinfectants is in unoccupied spaces. Normally, our team performs services at night to avoid daytime interruptions. However, if you’re operating a 24/7 department, such as a call center, we can find a good time to spray and then leave. After our technicians are finished cleaning and applying disinfectant, your employees can get back to work.

2. Disinfecting is best done in combination with a thorough cleaning.

The CDC recommends that a surface be cleaned before it is disinfected. If a cleaning company reaches out to you about their disinfecting services without mentioning anything about properly cleaning surfaces beforehand, proceed with caution. These are necessary steps to ensuring the disinfectant reaches every inch of the surface to which it is applied and gets the job done.

3. Deep cleaning contributes to improved indoor air quality.

Indoor air quality has never been more important. Deep cleaning your carpets and textiles removes bacteria and organisms that could otherwise make their way into the air and cause an unhealthy working environment or foul odors. Additionally, it enables your carpets to continue their role of filtering unwanted pollutants and allergens.

COVID-19 has put facility cleanliness in the spotlight. However, it’s always been critical for spaces to be as clean as possible. Disinfecting just adds another layer of protection, warding off the likelihood that viruses and germs will spread between workers, customers, and visitors.

Want more information about MilliCare ’s enhanced hygiene services? Get in touch today.


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