MilliCare - How Going MilliCare Green Helps Corporations Walk the Sustainability Talk

How Going MilliCare Green Helps Corporations Walk the Sustainability Talk


At this point, Millennials make up 35 percent of the workforce, making them the largest generation currently in the labor force today. During their rise to the top of the labor market, Millennials have made their mark on society by ushering in an era of increased social responsibility punctuated by greener personal and corporate decisions.

How extensive has their impact become? A Stanford Social Innovation Review revealed 90 percent of CEOs believe sustainability isn’t just nice to have, but it’s also necessary to the success and longevity of modern corporations. They’re wise to be conscientious: Millennials and other generations expect to buy from companies that give more than lip service to environmentalism.

Knowing this, you can be a leader in this revolutionary green movement by planning for long-term success. In fact, you can start right away by re-evaluating your processes and the partners you choose for facility cleaning and maintenance:

1. Learn More About LEED

If you’re new to making sustainable decisions for your business, you’ll want to investigate programs that incentivize a healthier atmosphere and offer your team branding and marketing leverage. For instance, achieving certification in the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program rewards your company’s efforts to reduce waste and improve indoor air quality. Facility and property managers can work toward becoming LEED-certified, which allows them to showcase commitment to employee health and the environment. Beyond that, managers can get their buildings certified while also becoming LEED Green Associates themselves. Plus, they should look for partners with a similar mindset.

2. Focus on Cost-Effective Solutions

Going green shouldn’t break the bank. Rather than tossing everything away — which isn’t good for your business or the local landfill — use up any remaining products before moving to new choices to avoid wasting money. At the same time, evaluate all potential green replacements carefully. Do they pose any risk to humans or the environment? Are they ethically sourced? Have they been created in a socially responsible way? Your answers will guide your final decisions concerning which items belong in your sustainability plan.

3. Map Out a Long-Term Sustainability Plan

Sustainability doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it happens gradually by consistently evaluating and changing your products, procedures, and collaborators. A smart first step is the decision to implement a green cleaning system through a working relationship with MilliCare . As part of your facility’s personalized Care Plan, you’ll be able to see opportunities to replace current products with sustainable versions.

4. Evaluate Your Company’s Carbon Footprint

Chances are strong that you have plenty of places to lessen your corporation’s environmental impact operationally. Whether it’s reusing materials or choosing resilient materials, you can quickly make green inroads. Of course, you’ll want to maximize your investment in selections like resilient flooring through careful maintenance. When combined with a reliable, energy-efficient HVAC system, our MilliCare carpet cleaning treatments remove up to 99 percent of air pollutants. In turn, this enables clients to stretch the life cycles of their carpets beyond the anticipated 10-year mark.

Going green doesn’t have to be a chore, but it’s a necessity if you want to remain competitive. When you take time to efficiently plan your greening strategies (and track outcomes), you’ll begin to see the difference simple changes can make. Plus, you’ll have an instant advantage among savvy consumers and workers who gauge companies’ worth based on corporate social responsibility policies.

Interested in hearing more? Talk to your local MilliCare representative about developing a green-focused Care Plan suited to your facility.


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